Red Wednesday: Remember, Remember; the 5th of November

…it is sometimes remarkable how poker strategies can evolve. And in relation to that I think that it is possible that “PSFTCIAFBIDOJ ” are like a political faction that will become less influential as a result of poker revolution.~Ideal Poker

Let’s take a look at what’s going on in the “players'” community on the opening day of our revolution:

Its seems that some player have been caught “red handed” in acts of treason against the community’s effort.  There are some players that have decided to remain ignorant to the realization that the unfavorable changes we face to day do in fact effect them as well (as if such greed is justified anyways:

We have to wonder about this kind of “mentality”, and what kind of response these players expect from the monopoly and what as an individual they could POSSIBLY be planning on doing about it.

We are not sure this player understands the meaning of the word “principle” as used in this context.

The above is an interesting point, how can a player from the community remain so oblivious?  Seemingly this is the stock letter all players should expect:

Now we find a post from a player that obviously likes money and is good at poker:

All over the world players are discussing the revolution, how did the players/members of the global forum that created today’s event miss it? (Canada):

(Russian cross-poster):

It is not time to complain about such treatment, it has already been pointed out this has been going on for quite some time, the real question has already been asked some time ago, “What are YOU going to do about it?” And once you shake your head a little the question will naturally and obviously become “What should WE do about it?!”

More “regs” I wouldn’t suggest paying for coaching from as they clearly have an issue with their understanding of “game theory:

Some players seem to believe there is some intelligence and honor in pointing out the futility of the player’s revolution, while at the same time other players are pointing out something that will lead to the next evolution of the collective players strategy: “You cannot move poker without moving the community

(here are some news clips from different events around the community surrounding the day)

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